Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More Barefeet In Snow...and Snow Runs!

This morning offered a wonderful opportunity for a meditation walk that followed a good round of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) to warm the feet up a bit.

The more barefoot exercise you do, the better your circulation gets. This will mean no cold feet indoors, and will make short jaunts in the snow doable.

Of course, you're not going to do this in below-zero temperatures if you have your wits about you. Today in Denver it was above freezing and the wet snow was wonderful beneath my feet, a great massage for sure.

In snowy conditions when it's at least 32 degrees, I really like to take an initial run in shoes, maybe a a couple of miles, in the last half or quarter mile before arriving home, pull off the shoes and finish the run barefoot, feeling totally free.

To learn more about safe snow runs, check out the book "Barefoot Running" by Michael Sandler (with Jessica Lee, a Random House book)

And to get great running sandals that allow full, free barefoot movement on cold ground, just click the XeroShoes link in the sidebar.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Bare feet and snow....

It was about 14 degrees this morning in Denver, so my barefoot meditation walk on the snow was short, but it still took place. Snow doesn't always hang around in the city like it does in the mountains, so I have to take advantage of it whenever it is here.

The ground was bit cold to go barefoot today. So I wore sandals:)

Coming soon: the Barefooter's Doctrine.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Like my sandals in the picture?  I knew you would! Here's how to get your own!  Go to the link in the sidebar. Browse your many options (mine are just one type among many)   Ordering is easy!

Perfect Sandals

These are the perfect sandals for the bare footer. It was snowing this evening when I left work, but I refused to change my shoes. I got nothing but compliments on them even as people wondered why I would wear sandals on a chilly evening where snow was coming down.

Why did I wear them? For one, It was a bit too cold to go barefoot. Also, I was going into a public building where shoes were required (the dentist's office). I gave the dentist and the hygienist info about them.

I'll be posting more info about them here later today!

Recommened shoes-for when we have to wear them

There are quite a few types of shoes in this world that aren't a misery to wear, and can be quite fun to wear, too.

I'm working right now for a company that makes some of the best shoes for one who likes to live barefoot.

They will be a topic of soon-future posts. I'll be doing a lot of shoe posts.

Shoes, when they must be worn, should be fun and barefoot friendly. No, one doesn't have to be a woman to see the fun value of shoes, or to like talking about shoes. Some of my female friends think my take on this subject is rather funny, but they still appreciate it.

Guys, it can indeed get positive attention for ladies. It makes my wife laugh when I talk about shoes; my daughter laughs too, but appreciates the fact that I "get it".

I can't wait to post again about this, but since I have other obligations tonight, I must. So sign up to follow this blog! We'll have some fun talking about all this good stuff!


Coming soon-Almost Barefoot

Yes, this is way overdue. SO one or two more days won't hurt.

I'm a Yogi, a barefoot runner and a teacher of barefoot runners and of a practically-barefoot lifestyle. I also teach Yoga. It's one of the oldest athletic activities known to modern humanity. And it is,of course, practiced barefoot.

There are reasonable restrictions that keep us from going barefoot absolutely everywhere, but it's quite possible and beneficial to be barefoot most of the time and millions agree.

So this blog will be the place to discuss, learn and live live ALMOST BAREFOOT.

More will come soon! 
