Sunday, November 23, 2014

Driving Barefoot-With No Arms!

This isn't a statement of rebellion or about being barefoot to stand out (pardon the pun!) A man who has no arms learned to drive a car with his feet-and passed the official driving test.

Like my running coach, Michael Sandler, who is the only man to run the Bolder Boulder on crutches due to a shattered leg, 26-year old Gatis Cuanitis of Riga, Latvia doesn't acknowledge the word "can't".

Gatis Caunitis from Latvia, who has passed his driving test, despite having no legs, and having to use his feet to steer the carĀ 
Armless Latvian driver Gatis Caunitis shows off his driver's license-photo in Mail Online (Daily Mail UK)

This fall, Gatis passed the official driving test and can operate every feature of his car using only his feet.

Read the whole story by CLICKING HERE

Drive On! Walk On! Live!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Barefoot Running's Newest program

America's most successful barefoot running coach has invited us to a new program called mindful running.

Coach Michael Sandler invites you to join him. I learned from him, and you can to.

Read more and register by clicking HERE


Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Eternal Positive-Barefoot on Your Yoga Mat

This article by yours truly recently appeared on 

Yogasync lets you take your Yoga class to your hotel room or anywhere else.

Just as going barefoot for part of everyday helps you get spiritually grounded, a daily yoga practice takes the next step to a much better life.

Click Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Enjoy!

Eternal Positiveop

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Barefoot singer woos London

What is it about being barefoot in London that seems to attract so much attention?

We're not sure either-we just know it seems to keep happening.

Singer Sammie Jay isn't new to the London music scene, but when she was singing barefoot in the street just days ago, it wooed tons of onlookers and an onlooker's impromptu video of her went viral.

Headlines and Global News picked it up and so did Viralnova. Granted, Jay is not difficult to look at, but her voice is the real things as she belts out her original song "Killing Me Slowly".

Sammy Jay can be seen and for video link

See image at Flicker Hive Mind


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Barefoot Archives-When pop signers got into barefooting-New York Times

The New York Times picked this up back in 1998.  A good, quick read.....

How many pop singers opted to go barefoot on stage and found it did the trick?

CLICK and find out!

Pop sensations included Bjork, No Doubt and more.......

Doting mother: The 44-year-old singer sported ripped denim jeans and a grey sweatshirt, which boasted a black and white stripy T-shirt underneath
Then and now...Gwen Stefani made notes performing barefoot when she was lead singer of No Doubt back in 1998. British newspaper The Daily Mail caught her barefoot off-stage just recently-CLICK to read article in Daily Mail (by Sharnaz Shahid)and see pics by


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Barefooter's bling-Cool sandals with snap-on beads.....

Lena Phoenix shows off some sandal bling!

Ladies are loving the customizable bracelets from Pandora.

So how about snap-on charms for sandals????

They are here!!!! They are courtesy of Xeroshoes, maker of the original barefoot running sandal that now has many fashion options, including snap-on charms....we love it!!!!

Xeroshoes Sandal Charms can be found by clicking the link on Almost Barefoot) no offers quite a bit of bling for the original barefoot sandals that are as practical as they are cool.

The offer of extra charms, on sale, comes Xeroshoes co-founder Lena Phoenix, who is celebrating her birthday this weekend.

As well as being a successful businesswoman who runs Xeroshoes with her husband, Steven Sashen, Lena is also a published author and an inspiration to women and to everyone who knows her.

Happy Birthday, Lena, from Almost Barefoot!

Xeroshoes has remained true to the principles of beneficial, barefoot running and exercise and was the first to produce a true minimalist sandal that allows your feet to move free of restriction as if you have no shoes on. They also continue to contribute to the benefit of the inspirational creators of barefoot sandals, the Native American Tarahumara tribe.

By the way, there is no shortage of cool barefoot sandals for men at Xeroshoes. While many who sell cool fitness gear tend to forget that men exist or that men might actually want stuff in colors other than dark blue or black, Xeroshoes has loots of good stuff.

One of many cool sandal options available for men. Enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2014

How to buy barefoot sandals

Check out this link. I supported Steven' research as alive subject when these sandals were first created. Here, Steven explains the science behind choosing barefoot sandals.

The video also gives quick, concise insight.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Barefoot Shoes Get Bashed in Britain

Barefoot running shoes continue to pique curiosity around the world, and in Britain, where barefoot running is quite popular, the well-known Virbam "toe shoes" have undergone some scrutiny.
Vibram FiveFingers Wearer Stories
An ad for the popular Virbam Five Fingers "Toe Shoes" that are very poplar among minimalist runners

Vibram previously made claims that barefoot shoes can lead to better health, claims that have no when rescinded as law suits have been filed, according to a report last week in the British paper the Telegraph.

The law suits came from across the Pond, from the USA, and additional statements in the Telegraph by running coach James Cracknell, himself an accomplished British professional runner, said he'd use the shoes for training but not racing.

Different coaches quoted in the Telegraph reference the possibility of injury from minimalist running shoes such as Vibram Five Fingers. But the article, or the coaches who commented, didn't elaborate on the types of injuries that could occur.

The most obvious injuries do come from fatigue in muscles made "lazy" by shoes. Any coach who advises you on barefoot running will stress that you should stick with your shoes for most of your run until you've logged lost of barefoot miles-such as running the last mile of a ten mile run-after you've worked your way up from the last quarter mile. Ankle muscles don;t move much in normal shoes and must be developed slowly.

This advise doesn't just come from the experienced barefoot runner who wrote this post, it also comes from his coach-Michael Sandler, one of the world's best-know barefoot runners.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Barefoot and Powerful-Our next guest coming soon...Barefoot Angie Bee

Our Barefoot and Powerful series will continue soon with Barefoot Angie Bee.  Angie has appeared on our blog before as a barefoot runner extraordinaire.

Our Barefoot and Powerful series focuses specifically on women who have found being barefoot to be self-empowering in a constructive way. Angie is many things-a strong woman, a Yoga teacher, a spiritual leader, and of course a barefoot running coach. She's a mother of four, a wife and a role model for many.

We look forward to talking with Angie soon and sharing her story with our readers.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Proof of Barefoot Running benefits British runner with 25 years experience speaks

Barefoot running may see, like a fad to some.
To others, barefoot running may be considered still too new to be credible.

But ask British runner Chris Fielding, and you'll find all the credibility the sport needs in order to prompt you to ditch your shoes.
Runner re-born-Chris Fielding now runs barefoot or in minimalist shoes all the time.

Profile: Chris Fielding
  • Country of residence: United Kingdom
  • Running experience: Over 25 years
Chris spent 25 years in conventional running shoes before they caught up with him and caused serious injuries. He explains his story in an exert from Barefoot Beginner that was also published on Barefoot Britain, which was founded by Tracy Davenport, who is also the author of the article where Chris tells his story. 
Tracy after the finish of the Brighton Half Marathon 

Tracey, ironically, sells shoes while running mostly barefoot (or shall we say: Almost Barefoot?) Specifically, she sells minimalist shoes that allow your foot to move freely as if it was unshod. She initially hooked Chris up with Xero Shoes-and excellent choice-I know from my own experience, and Chris was then hooked on minimalist (Almost Barefoot) running. He now runs freely without injury. 

Barefoot Britain continues to be an excellent source for runners world-wide, and especially for those British runners who seek up-close and personal advice to improve their barefoot running. Thank you, Chris and Tracy!


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The strangest barefoot activity ever....not at all dirty, but disturbingly weird!

The strangest barefoot activity ever....not at all dirty, as far as we can tell, but quite odd and potentially disturbing...but judgement shall be reserved!

Barefoot athletics includes the oldest barefoot athletic discipline, Yoga, but done with horses?

Yes.  Horse Yoga

Just plain weird.   The video is rather popular via the Huffington Post, You Tube and beyond.

Click for video........    conclude as you wish.

I'll just stick to Yoga on my mat, in a regular studio or gym with people, and ordinary barefoot running.

We're not talking about doing Yoga by your horse, like this woman who appeared in Cosmopolitan magazine along with some other people who actually do Yoga poses on horses-we're not talking about that either. Of course, that is worth seeing in Cosmo, so feel free to click and see.  

Have a Nice Day!

Article in Cosmo is by Dara Adeeyo.  

Photos source: / / / flickr

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Get Back Into (Or Start) Barefoot Running

Michael Sandler has shattered both of his femurs. Each time, he almost died.

If he can bounce back from these injuries so strongly, any of us can dare to run a quarter mile with our shoes off (that's Michael's recommended distance for first-time barefooters).

Michael Sandler, barefoot running in the forests of Colorado

Michael has recovered strongly from his last injury in May, 2013, and has created a new

Get Back Into Running promotion your should check out.

The Runbare website also has many great resources for barefoot runners!

Sorry for the long absence-been super busy!!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Barefooting not just for atheists and rebels or the non-conventional

Barefoot living, and Almost Barefoot living is often associated with rebellion or dis-convention.

Being barefoot doesn't necessarily make someone a unique individual in comparison to one who wears shoes any more than owning a BMW makes a person smarter than someone who drives a Chevy.  Nor does living in a studio apartment make you morally superior to a person who owns a five-bedroom house.

But folks in our culture who choose to go barefoot more often do tend to be more unconventional. Of course, unconventional is a relative term.

Take The Barefoot Hippie Girl who owns the associated website with the same name.

She'll tell you she's actually not a hippie, by society's definition. She is Christian, which many folks would say is conventional by Western standards.

Because she combines conventional and unconventional views into one viewpoint, she really stands out, pardon the pun, as an individual, who lives her life Almost Barefoot!

File:Hippie girl 1969.jpg
This isn't her.  To see the REAL Barefoot Hippie Girl, you'll have to go to her site!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Barefoot running-Marathon Jesus

Hallelujah!   I wish I'd found this one sooner....

Not only did this Japanese man run a marathon barefoot, but also ran carrying a cross and wearing a thorny crown and was dressed as, you guessed it-Jesus.

Known now as "Marathon Jesus," Makoto Takeuchi of Chiba, Japan ran the NYC Marathon last November 3 for our sins and in memory of the Boston Marathon bombing victims of last April.



Read more in the Huffington Post on NYC Marathon Jesus.

"Jesus" more recently ran the Tokyo Marathon in February, the Japanese paper Rocket News reports. Check it out by clicking here

JM 1

Barefoot Fitness-Where Do I Start?

Barefoot Fitness continues to grow as a workout trend, but it is still a very new idea. Lot's of people are interested in it, but it is still just an idea for most athletes-both recreational or professional.

A of people are asking where to start with barefoot fitness, what barefoot workouts are available, and what are the benefits of barefoot fitness.

Start with Yoga

Why? Yoga is slow enough to get the hang of it quickly even if you've never done it. Since it is done on a soft mat, you can do as much Yoga as you want without worrying about the bottoms of your feet not being conditioned yet. Also, Yoga is diverse enough that you won't fatigue the muscles made "lazy" from shoes.

In addition, Yoga is now widely available at most gyms and fitness centers, so you can take a class and consult your teacher for specifics. Yoga gets you in tune with being grounded in bare feet and making a conscious connection between your feet and the rest of your body when you exercise.

Add Short Barefoot Runs

Running may not be your thing, but short barefoot runs, we're talking fifty or a hundred yards, will help you start to awaken the lazy muscles and strengthen your feet and ankles. Walking around the house bareople need to know other options, like foot helps, but a conscious act of exercising does more to build the essential mind-body connection.

If you are into running, still keep your barefoot runs short while you condition your feet and ankles. The exception is if you do a lot of running in toe shoes.

This picture above comes from and the associated books by Michael Sandler, which are among other sorceresses we'll look at in the future.

Barefoot Cardio Programs

I never discourage jumping into a barefoot cardio class-there just aren't many available yet, so people need to know other options to get started.

There a re a few well-known studios scattered about the country these days, like Barefoot Fitness in Spearfish, SD,and  willPower and Grace in Denver, CO. Dr. Emily Splichal teaches classes in NYC and does different workshops in different areas. EFBA also hosts various workshops. If you're in Washington State, the well-known barefoot runner and yogini Barefoot Angie Bee teaches a numberof classes along with Tina Dubois at Natural Running.

We'll be revisiting this question in the coming days and weeks as we seek input from premier barefoot fitness instructor and continue to find more resources for you!

The author, Vincent Gerbino is a Certified YogaFit Yoga Teacher, ans AFAA-Certified Group Fitness Instructor and a willPower and Grace intern. He has been teaching Yoga for nine years and supporting barefoot runners' training for five.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Barefoot And Powerful-the New Feminine Leader

She Embraces the Mistery

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you wee this picture?

Many might make remarks about fetishes and other things. Almost Barefoot doesn't do fetish stuff, ever, and certainly, we ask folks who are into that to keep it to themselves. But we're not making a mission statement today.

This picture comes from the Goddess Collective, a group of positive, empowered, strong women who work to teach and support other women in developing their own sense of self, their own strength and wisdom within the realm of their feminine identities.

They teach women how to be positive leaders using the feminine perspective. This something Almost Barefoot does indeed support.

They used this picture as one of their Nine Principles Of Feminine Leadership, as principle number eight states:

"She [the successful feminine leader] Embraces Mystery"

She enthusiastically receives manifested gifts, in full embrace of her worthiness.

She Knows that good things will come your way and be willing to say Yes to them.

She Accepts that sometimes even with the best intentions that things go“ Wonky”.

She Holds curiosity about the emerging new.

She Holds the deep knowing that all experiences are an opportunity for growth. 

Here we deepen into the practice of Intuition, Growth Opportunities, and Celebrating the Unknown.

But while we support feminism, the empowerment of women, and the teaching of today's girls that they are the future leaders, we simply want to say with this picture that is says a couple of key things:

 The fact that i it used by a women's leadership group in an add to teach women how to be feminine leaders, it shows that the barefoot woman is now symbol of power. Every time the image of the barefoot woman is used positively like this, we come closer to erasing the negative stereotype of the barefoot woman. 

It is a positive example of what we've said before here, that the barefoot woman is an enduring symbol of goddess-like quality that intrigues everyone who sees such an image, and without any connection to a fetish.

Walk on,barefoot women, acknowledge your positive power and may we recognize it so that our entire world becomes a better place.

To learn more about feminine leader training:

Women who seek feminine leadership training can learn more about the Goddess Collective's upcoming program in June by going to their website. Almost Barefoot supports your positive growth!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Barefoot in Sheffield-Revisiting barefooting in the UK

Exjperience: I don't wear shoes
Photo by Fabio De Paola for the Guradian

We got an overwhelming number of readers the first time we posted about this woman, who lives her life barefoot in Sheffield, England.

Our barefoot celebrity's name is Bea Marshall and she's a mother of two children who also live an "almost-barefoot" lifestyle, to hear her tell it.

Bea was recently profiled in the British paper The Guardian back in February when Almost Barefoot found her.

Living barefoot means different things for different people.  She's a "well-heeled" example of living barefoot in an urban environment. Bea got her barefooting start when she developed pain while running. She took off her running shoes and the rest is history.

She also told her story to the BBC News , including how she was at her local police station to address a matter that had nothing to do with being barefoot and ended up getting reported to social services since she and her kids were barefoot at the time.

Bea Marshall
Bea in 2011, Article by Stephanie Barnard for BBC News

She also talks about being barred from night clubs for being barefoot, and says she'd be safer than intoxicated women in high heels.........

As far as her work is concerned, she's a professional woman in charge of her own life-she owns a web design business. In general, she's decided that the benefits of barefoot living outweigh the negative issues by far.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Going barefoot reduces stress

Going barefoot reduces stress, but how?

Those of us who live Almost Barefoot or always barefoot still like barefooting for the same reason-it feels good and makes your legs, ankles and feet stronger.

All kinds of physical health problems can be avoided by going barefoot each day. But what about stress reduction?

Dieter Breithecker, head of Germany's Federal Institute for Posture and Mobilization says barefooting reduces stress. he told several publications. he also said children shouldn't be made to sit still all the time.

"Putting the soles of your feet in contact with all the normal sensations helps to relieve internal tension and reduce stress. Shoes, on the other hand, prevent direct contact with the ground and so adversely affect the health of our feet, balance and posture,"  Dr. Dieter Breithecker, ergonomics expert

If we can't go barefoot all the time, a daily barefoot workout will do much to help.

Walking barefoot is an active version of reflexology, so is barefoot exercise even on a flat floor.

Reflexology is the activation of difference bodily energy centers by stimulating the respective contact point sin your feet, sort of like acupuncture.
Stacey Lei Krauss, founder of willPower and Grace barefoot fitness workout and co-owner of the Will Power Fit Studio in Denver, CO

Barefoot fitness teacher Stacey Lei Krauss points out that the pressure points of your feet each connect to one of your major organs and thus play a huge role in physical homeostasis. Krauss patented the willPower and Grace Fitness method, which she teaches at her studio in Denver, CO 

Go barefoot at home. Take a barefoot walk. Take a barefoot class. Reap the benefits.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Barefoot In The Park-A little cold to do it today here!

Happy Sunday-looking forward to this but winter hangs on here in Denver. Maybe a short meditation walk today-it will make tomorrow a better work day!

Our pic comes from one of the many public sites that showcases the barefoot parks in Europe-they are a popular therapy for the working locals as well as tourists and are complete with foot washing stations!


Friday, March 21, 2014

Get Bent!...Barefoot!

Get Bent! Get Fit!    

Yogis do it barefoot!

Yoga is a great compliment to any exercise regimen, any spiritual practice, and of course, the perfect exercise for those who like to live barefoot!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ultimate Barefoot Living!

There is living barefoot and then there is living barefoot in whole different sense.

I'm really not sure why I've never written about this.....water skiing barefoot.  How awesome can that be? It's not a new idea, just one of the best.

Zak footin 031.JPG
America Barefoot Water Skiing Club 2014 article by Paul Adams
There's walking with no shoes-then there's water skiing- cruising over water at high speeds with NO SKIS!

"Banana" George Blair died last year-at age 98. he enjoyed water-skiing barefoot as late as age 92.
Rest in peace, George!
