Meet Barefoot Heidi, Barefooter Extraordinaire.....much more to come soon!
Heidi Fiscus: A successful executive, an attentive mother and a devoted wife...who does it all while always barefoot.
Almost Barefoot would like to introduce Heidi Fiscus, who
will be known around here as Barefoot Heidi.
There are a lot of reasons why Heidi is our barefoot celebrity
of focus now.
She’s an all-around cool person and an amazing woman.
Barefoot strongly supports the empowerment of women and likes to profile strong,
female role models who are successful, powerful and positive.
Heidi is all these things and more. She’s an entrepreneur,
both businesswise and socially speaking, and she’s co-organizer of an awesome
group of very positive barefooters who will be introduced on the Almost
Barefoot site in the coming days.
Heidii also presents a very positive, constructive view of
barefooting that is shared by her cohorts who will also be introduced soon!
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