Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Barefoot holy figures in history

We can still debate why holy figures are seemingly always barefoot. We can also just accept is as natural, since if we believe we come from God-whose identity is up to you and your beliefs-then we realize that we were made before we even made shoes.

Being barefoot has an inherent connection with holiness in every culture. Hindu deities are almost always barefoot, as are Wiccan goddesses (except certain Norse and Scandinavian archetypes, but even in that context, we can find images of barefoot goddesses in winter. One could interpret the idea of a barefoot goddess in winter to be one whose holiness makes her impervious to the cold or conditions that would harm an ordinary human.

The images below are just a few of countless images of Wiccan goddesses.

Diana, Moon Goddess

The Green Goddess is a popular archetype of the Goddess as portrayed in pre-Christian times in much of the world, where worship often emphasized fertility and was Earth-centered. Statues of similar variations have been un-Earthed throughout the world. The goddess-centered religions spread beyond the realm of those religions considered the roots of the modern Wiccan religion.

The Triple Goddess image. this is one of many variations in the Wiccan tradition.
Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess of Good Fortune. Lakshmi herself takes many different, recognized forms, as do the numerous other Hindu Goddesses and Gods, who almost always appear barefoot no matter which image variation.

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