Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Barefoot in Britain with Tracy Mercaldo Davenport

Almost Barefoot would like to introduce Tracy Mercaldo Davenport and the Barefoot Britain blog. Tracy is the UK distributor of Sockwa brand minimalist running shoes that are said to be excellent for those times when a runner can't be completely barefoot. Barefoot Britain is a fantastic running resource and Almost Barefoot will be adding a link. Barefoot runners in Britain have a great resource here.

Tracy Mercaldo Davenport.
I'm sure some of our British readers can tell me much more about it. But for Brits who want to run sans shoes and might be new to this most-awesome way to run, do check out this most-awesome blog that helps you find events, new barefoot trends, running routes, new products and much more. For established barefooters, it is just as useful. If I'm lucky enough to take a trip across the pond, I know where to read up on the latest goings on!

Thank you, Tracy!  And blessings to all our readers in Britain, and beyond!

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